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Are you a hoarder? Have you just inherited a hoarder’s home? – If so, what is the cost to clean a hoarder’s house? How much does a house cleanout cost?

This article looks at these situations and hopefully provides some useful advice or guidance.

What Is Hoarding?

Considered to be a psychological condition, hoarding is where a person holds on to all sorts of items for longer than necessary, regardless of their value.

While this does not sound too serious, things can get out of hand in some cases. The individual in question may be exposed to serious health and safety risks when these items become too much – overwhelming the individual. It may become necessary to clean a hoarder’s house in order to remedy the situation – especially if one is looking to sell their property.

selling a hoarder's house as-is can be the easiest and quickest way to sell and be rid

Costs Associated With Hoarding Cleaning

So, what is the cost of cleaning a hoarder’s house?

On average, you will have to pay around $25 to $80 per hour per cleaner to clean a hoarder’s house.

Hoarding cleaning services also charge between $0.75 and $2.5 to clean each square foot of space overrun by hoarded stuff.

In general, the total cost of cleaning a hoarder’s house covers the cost of hiring professional cleaners, renting a dumpster, and disposing of the cleared waste/items.

It is important to note that the above costs mainly relate to straightforward clean-up jobs. This means that you can expect the final cost to vary from one job to the next depending on a variety of factors, including the level of hoarding, home size, type of hoarded items, and more.

Cleaning up a hoarder’s house can be costly and time-consuming. This is mainly why such individuals choose to continue living in such a state.

If you are feeling stressed about living in a hoarder’s house but don’t have the money or energy to clean it up, you can consider selling As Is. Our company – PDX Renovations, has done this on quite a few occasions over the years.

For a better understanding of the cost of cleaning a hoarder’s house, continue reading below.

hoarding house issue cluster and rubbish PORTLAND OREGON | PDX Renovations

Factors Affecting Hoarding Cleanup Costs

As mentioned above, total hoarding cleanup costs may be affected by a number of factors, including:

Property Details

One of the most important factors influencing the cost of cleaning a hoarder’s house is the size of the property.

Simply put, individuals can expect to pay more when it comes to cleaning up larger properties. As such, it will cost more to clean a commercial space than it would a single-family house.

Larger properties have more space for clutter to accumulate.

Furthermore, the area to be cleaned is larger. With that in mind, a simple cost estimate provided over the phone or online may simply not be enough.

Professional service providers may need to visit the site in person and conduct their own assessment in order for them to come up with a more accurate figure.

It is also important to consider the impact of the location of the property on the overall cleanup cost. The cost of transporting any junk or waste from the property under consideration is included in the overall cost.

The cleanup service won’t have to travel far to get rid of the waste if the property is located close to or within a major town or city. However, a longer trip and higher transportation costs will be incurred in the case of remote properties.

Level Of Hoarding

The level of hoarding also has a huge impact on the final cost of a cleanup project.

Hoarder levels are essentially divided into five – with the first level being the least severe, while the fifth one is the most severe.

Level #1 – Only small amounts of clutter are found in level one hoarder houses.

Level #2 – Odors and waste are noticeable are the second level.

Level #3 – Clutter is found both outside and inside the homes of level three hoarders.

Level #4 – Poor hygiene habits are evident in level four hoarders.

Level #5 – Potential fire hazards, rotting food, and too many pets are all characteristic of level-five hoarders.

You can get a better idea of the cost of a clean-up by simply identifying the hoarder level you are dealing with. This way, you can give the cleaning company a clear description of the situation at hand – which gives them an idea of the amount of clutter they will be facing.

costs associated with cleaning a hoarder's property

Type Of Hoarder/Presence of Bio-hazardous Waste

Identifying the type of hoarder in question also goes a long way toward determining the final cost of cleaning the hoarder’s house.

There are three different types of hoarders.

Type #1 – Food hoarding is the first type. While it might appear to be somewhat normal, as many people tend to store away food in case of an emergency, these individuals take things to the extreme. They have an irresistible urge when it comes to the food stored in their houses.

Type #2 – Animal hoarding is the second type of hoarder. In addition to housing more pets than they are allowed to on their property, animal hoarders also tend to neglect their pets. This, in turn, leads to a situation where their homes are littered with hazardous waste, such as animal waste and bacteria, among others.

Type #3 – Trash hoarding is the last type of hoarding. Such individuals are not only unable to throw out their own trash/garbage but also collect “treasures” from other people’s trash. This can result in the creation of a hazardous environment on top of creating a mess.

As a result, the cleaning requirements of a hoarder’s house may vary depending on the type of hoarding, thus, varying the cleaning cost involved as well.

Level Of Discretion

Hoarding is a very sensitive behavior.

As such, cleaning up a hoarder’s house should be done in a careful and discrete way. Hoarders should be ready to fork out a bit more cash if they want to deal with a discrete service provider.

These professionals can protect you from intrusive and judgmental neighbors by ensuring confidentiality throughout the cleaning process.

Hoarder Involvement In The Clean Up

The level of involvement of a hoarder when it comes to hoarding clean-up projects directly influences the amount of time it will take the cleanup crew to get the job done.

For instance, the hoarder may want to sort through the mess with the cleaning crew, choosing what they want to keep and what they want to get rid of.

In such a scenario, the cleanup process may take much longer, thus resulting in a higher bill at the end of it all.

Hoarder’s House Cleanup Duration

Cleaning a hoarder’s house is a challenging project that takes significant time and effort. We see dealing with squatters as a similar level of project; neither is quick nor simple.

Generally, professional cleaners require about 40 hours to clean a large property and around 10 hours to clean a small house. Considering how draining, physically and emotionally, the work can be, cleaners also need to take regular breaks.

In addition to the cleaning time, you also need to factor in the time needed to sort items and also dispose of any junk.

Free Hoarder Cleaning Services

The home can quickly turn into an unsanitary and dangerous space for individuals suffering from hoarder disorder. Such a home can attract pests or even become a fire hazard.

Fortunately, you can easily find a hoarder help service that will clean your house without charging anything. These services, normally operated by non-profit organizations or local governments, will send a team of professional cleaners to your property to clear any build-up of clutter.

These service providers will also provide you with the assistance you need to effectively deal with your hoarding disorder.

Final Thoughts Regarding Hoarding:

From the above, it is clear to see just how challenging – and costly – cleaning a hoarder’s house can be.

While some cleanup projects can be straightforward, others can quite demanding – depending on the actual situation on the ground. As such, the cost of cleaning a hoarder’s house can vary from one project to the next.

If you do not have the time, money, or patience to dedicate to cleaning a hoarder’s house, you can sell As-Is in a hassle-free way.

At PDX Renovations here in Portland, Oregon, we have bought thousands of properties over the years in As-Is condition, and this includes those owned by hoarders. You can just walk away with cash and leave the cleanup to us.

Further Reference & Information:

Gov Website concerned with Hoarding – https://www.mass.gov/hoarding

Books – The Hoarder in You – How To Live Happier & Hoarding Disorder Help & Understanding Hoarding: Reclaim Your Space

NIH – Managing Hoarding & Squalor

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