• Reading time:4 mins read

If you are like a lot of people, the economic situation is making it tough to meet monthly financial payments. Maybe you’ve been thinking about how taking some  equity out of your house could help with debt or other cash shortfalls, only to find that refinancing or a home equity loan are unavailable due to tight loan qualifying requirements.


Many people in a house rich and cash poor situation are turning to an alternative that not only frees up equity, but also reduces monthly overhead and increases cash flow. The solution is sell your house. But to minimize the time and expenses involved with listing your house with a realtor, an easy alternative is to sell your house for cash fast.


If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Why should you continue to sit on cash money that isn’t helping your financial situation today that could be leveraged and make your life so much easier? And, the transaction is easier than you may think. In the end, people who have taken the opportunity to sell their home are finding that it was just what they needed to give themselves a fresh start. Here’s what people who sold their house for cash are doing now.



Just one example of turning the page and starting fresh, a couple in Phoenix, AZ sold their house and downsized to a condominium in Scottsdale. After making the move, they cited numerous advantages realized by making the change.


1) They own their condominium free and clear, without the pressure of a monthly mortgage.

2) Modest homeowners association fees cover the expense of water, trash, landscaping, pool maintenance and most building insurance costs which lowered monthly bills considerably.

3) Their home is centrally located to hiking trails, shops, restaurants and theaters making social activity much more convenient.

4) Because the property’s facilities include a workout room, pool and recreation room, they no longer pay for gym memberships.

5) They extra cash from the sale of their home was used to pay off credit card debt and now they are living a debt-free life.



Another couple from Portland, OR chose, as many others have done, to relocate to an area that offered more advantages to their career and lifestyle. They picked a location that had a dryer, warmer climate, a lower cost of living, less property and income taxes, a healthy employment rate and the types of outdoor activities that they were looking for. Now they are enjoying the benefits of career advancement and an active healthy lifestyle.


Continued Education and Skills Training

A number of people who felt that their job skills were falling behind employer demands, but couldn’t afford to enroll in educational or skills development classes,  took advantage of the cash they received from selling their house to go back to school to improve their employment opportunities. As a result, they are enjoying higher salaries and an improved lifestyle.


Selling your house for cash can be a way to get out of the rut that keeps putting you farther and farther behind the economic curve. Cash for homes can be accomplished quickly and without the need to share profits through commissions. It’s one way that many are reinventing themselves and improving their lifestyles.


Are you house rich and cash poor?


Do you have a piece of property (house, lot, or land) you’d like to sell fast?  Fill out our Sell Fast Form and get a cash offer within one hour of us viewing the property.